Finding the Perfect Babywearing Coat or Baby Carrier Cover

Of course, if you are a seasoned winter-wonderland babywearer, you’ve probably got a few tips and tricks for staying cozy and bundled together, but maybe some of these stylish options will be new to you, too.
Here are a few stand-outs in the babywearing coat and baby carrier cover categories. Enjoy, stay warm and may every snowflake remind us of our uniquely perfect, precious little ones!
Kinder Baby Carrier Cover
Here’s a simple fleece-lined nylon cover from Wrap Your Baby that’s great for front or back carries in a soft-structured carrier
This deluxe hand-knit virgin wool babywearing poncho, also from Wrap Your Baby, comes with a semi-deluxe price tag but looks oooooh so cozy!
Technical Jacket Inserts (DIY)
For the especially outdoor-minded babywearing mom who can sew (or has a willing and able friend who can), these free directions from Stéphane Dupont, Ph.D. on how to make technical jacket inserts for your already fabulous gear while babywearing might be just the thing you’re looking for.
The M Coat
The UpMama! 3-in-1 M Coat is a stylish goose down jacket that can take you from maternity to babywearing to “just mama” with its easy convertible design.
Kinder Babywearing Rain Poncho
Suses Kinder offers a range of babywearing coats, including this innovative rain poncho (shown on the site with a video demo) for those of us in less freezing, more drizzling climates.
Have other favorites or pics of your own DIY babywearing coat or baby carrier cover? We’d love to see them, or at least hear all about them below!