The Way of the West vs the Way of the Rest and How Babywearing Helps

I was privileged enough to recently attend the farewell lecture by Dr Anita Franklin at a British University on the topic of Black Feminism. It was superb; and one of the things I was most...

How Your Baby's Body is Adapted to Being Carried

Some mammals leave their babies in hidden places. Other mammalian young, like sheep, are physically developed enough to follow their mothers by themselves right after birth. Don't forget our feathered friends. Quack quack. Our babies...

Nine Reasons Not to Carry Your Baby Facing Out

Dr. Catherine Fowler of Australia, as reported by in 2011, made a comment that parents who face their babies out are “cruel and selfish“. Actually for the record she said they were “inadvertantly cruel”....

The Importance of Dads

A child’s relationship with her father is more important than we’ve ever realized. To become strong and confident, children need their father’s attention, wisdom, courage and protection. Expert findings about involved fathers Research about a...

Scientific Study On How Babywearing Promotes Essential Bonding

These days most parents are already familiar with how beneficial babywearing is. Now new scientific research shows another amazing reason to wear your baby and keep your babies close.  This research tells us that all...